All motor carriers engaged in interstate 'for-hire' commerce are subject to obtain Motor Carrier Authority, or MC Number (MC#) per 49 U.S.C. 13902, 49 CFR part 365, 49 CFR part 368, and 49 CFR 392.9a. Additionally, all interstate carriers must annually register for UCR, Unified Carrier Registration, and keep the company operations information up to date with the U.S. DOT Database. Current form will allow for updating pertinent information with the United States Department of Transportation.
This application opens up a new MC Authority.
The fee includes the MC Authority Number and BOC3 filing. After payment, the authority may be fully active in 20-25 business days, provided your MC# insurance will be on file with FMCSA. Otherwise, there will be a delay until this requirement is met. In addition, you MUST have an active, up-to-date US DOT# record, to complete the update please visit: